Keep Lucas Beautiful Spring Cleanup – 2025
AprApril 5 2025
9:00am - 1:00pm
The Keep Lucas Beautiful (KLB) Spring Cleanup event will be held on Saturday, April 5, 2025, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. KLB is committed to ensuring the Lucas community remains a clean and beautiful place to live. Here are the specifics for this year’s event:
- Sign up online by clicking the Adult or Minor Volunteer Form link below:
- Indicate what area within Lucas you would like to cleanup, such as your neighborhoods, public parks, and other safe areas.
- Cleanup supplies can be picked up early at City Hall during business hours between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm from April 1 to April 4, 2025.
- Cleanup supplies can also be picked up beginning at 9:00 am on the day of the event in front of Lucas City Hall (665 Country Club Road).
- During the cleanup event in your chosen area, place all trash bags centrally located together on the side of the road. You may also keep your cleanup supplies or leave them with the trash bags for pickup.
- City staff will be driving to pick up trash bags from registered cleanup locations throughout the event.
The City encourages residents to support the KLB Spring Cleanup by participating as a cleanup volunteer at the event. Students can also receive community service hours for volunteering at the cleanup event. If you have any questions regarding the KLB Spring Cleanup, please contact Communications Specialist Donna Bradshaw at [email protected] or 972-912-1208