2022 Founders Day
The City of Lucas will be holding the Founders Day event on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Lucas Community Park. Founders Day will feature the parade, mini golf, stick horse rodeo, pony hop derby, historical exhibit, silent auction by Legacy 4-H Club, and the Lucas Farmers Market. There will also be carnival games including balloon pop, calf roper, football pass, basketball hoop shot, ring the longhorn, and soda bottle ring toss. In-N-Out Burger will be providing meals to the community. Visitors will have the option to purchase specialty hot dogs, ice cream, and other ready to eat food.
EVENT MAP – Click HERE to view the Founders Day and Lucas Farmers Market Map.
Parade – Parade participants are encouraged to register online by Friday, April 29, 2022. Parade check-in and lineup will be from 8:30 am to 9:15 am. The parade will begin at 9:30 am. If you and/or your group are interested in participating in the parade, please click on the following link to submit an online application: Parade Application. The parade route map can be viewed here.
Stick Horse Rodeo – The Stick Horse Rodeo will begin at 11:00 am in the Lucas Community Park. Winners of each age group will be awarded medals for the Stick Horse Rodeo. Participants can register onsite at the Stick Horse Rodeo table at Founders Day. We are looking for student volunteers to assist with the Stick Horse Rodeo. Students interested in helping with the Stick Horse Rodeo can submit an online volunteer form here.
Volunteer Opportunity – If you are interested in helping with Founders Day, please submit an online volunteer form here.
Public Parking – Public parking will be available at Willow Springs Middle School where shuttle buses will transport visitors to and from the event. The parade will be staged at Hart Elementary School. After the parade ends, public parking will be available at Hart Elementary School and shuttle buses will also stop by to pick up visitors to transport to and from the event.
Shuttle Service Hours – Shuttle service will operate from 7:30 am to 1:30 pm between Willow Springs Middle School and the Lucas Community Park.
Handicap Parking – Handicap parking will also be available at the schools and the shuttle buses are ADA friendly with lifts. There is a very limited number of handicap parking spaces available at City Hall. To request a handicap parking space at City Hall, please email Assistant to the City Manage Kent Souriyasak at [email protected]. A valid parking placard and/or license plate for persons with disabilities is required. Requests will be made on a first come first serve basis. We encourage all visitors to park at the schools and ride the shuttle to ensure the safety of others.
Founders Day Event Schedule
8:00 am | Founders Day Begins |
9:30 am | Parade |
10:30 am | Service Tree Awards |
11:00 am | Stick Horse Rodeo & Pony Hop Derby |
1:00 pm | Founders Day Ends |