Get a Permit
Get a Permit
All construction must comply with the International Family of Codes and the National Electrical Code as adopted with any amendments by the City of Lucas. Click here to view building code regulations in the City of Lucas.
Types of Permits
Click the appropriate link for the type of permit needed:
- Contractor Registration Form
- New Residential & Commercial Form
- New Building, Internal Completion, Addition, Internal/External Remodel
- Residential Water Meter
- Requires a copy of your driver's license
- Commercial Water Application
- Miscellaneous Building Permit
- Accessory Buildings, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Irrigation, Fire Inspection, Pool/Spa/Hot Tub, Pool Barrier, Fence, HVAC, Culvert/Approach, Fire Suppression, Sign, Certificate of Occupancy, Plan Review, Roofing, and Alarms
- Pool Alarm Affidavit (House-Pool Protection Device Installation Form)
- Right-of-Way Utility Work Permit Form
See below for details on each permit type.
Contractor Registration
Contractor registration for general contractors is required for each licensed trade. We cannot receive your plan submittals if all contractors are not registered.
Registering With Lucas
To register with the City of Lucas, we need a completed Contractor Registration Form, a copy of your driver's license, any trade licenses, and a copy of your commercial general liability (the City of Lucas must be a certificate holder).

New Construction Packet
Constructing a New House
The construction of any new single-family dwelling requires a building permit.
Complete the New Construction Permit and submit all of the required documents and plans described below to [email protected]. An incomplete packet will be denied.
Plan Submittal Requirements
- A completed New Construction Permit listing the registered General Contractor, Electric, Plumbing, and HVAC subcontractors.
- A stamped copy of the septic application submitted to Collin County Development Services.
- Brick calculations showing compliance with the masonry ordinance.
- Energy code compliance requirements as set forth in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) are required, including the following:
- Compliance Report in compliance with N1105.4.2 (R405.4.2) of the IECC
- Compliance Report for Permit Application in compliance with N1105.4.2.1 (R405.4.2.1) of the IECC
- A plot plan with dimensions indicating the location of the house on the property and any buildings to be removed (which also requires a demolition permit), and showing setbacks, driveways and other flat-work.
- Drainage arrows on a preliminary drainage plan.
- A full set of plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed. These plans should include engineered foundation plans along with a letter from the engineering company. Floor plans, elevation drawings, materials to be used must also be included.
- Water meter application.
All new homes are required to have a fire suppression system. Plans should be submitted for review before framing.
Inspections Required in Sequence
- Plumbing rough and gas - The form board survey will be provided at this stage. Roll-off dumpster, erosion control, and t-pole construction fence are required.
- Slab and foundation - Foundation must pass pre-pour inspections by the City and by the builder's foundation engineer prior to pouring. Slab and foundation plans must be on site at time of inspection.
- Frame - This includes building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical roughs.
- Temporary utility - Electric and gas meters released.
- Culvert and approach.
- Reports required at final inspection to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy (C/O):
- Septic Tank Approval from Collin County
- Fire and Irrigation Backflow Reports (if system installed)
- Foundation Letter stating the engineer has completed the pre-pour inspection
- Grading for water flow on lot
- Energy Report (Compliance Report for Certificate of Occupancy in compliance with N1105.4.2.2 (R405.4.2.2) of the IECC)
- Termite Report
- Water Meter Inspection
Remodel / Addition Packet
General Information
The remodel or the addition to a single-family dwelling requires a permit.
Complete the New Construction Permit. Submit all of the required documents and plans descried below to [email protected]. An incomplete packet will be denied.
Plans Submittal Requirements
- A site plan or your property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the addition on the property
- Provide septic impact approval from the Collin County Development Services Department.
- A full set of plans with dimensions indicating how the addition will be built are required. These plans shall include foundation plans (engineered if necessary), floor plans, elevation drawings, and intended materials to be used.
- Brick calculations showing compliance with the masonry ordinance may be required.
- Energy code compliance requirements as set forth in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) are required, including the following:
- Compliance report in compliance with N1105.4.2 (R405.4.2) of the IECC
- Compliance report for permit application in compliance with N1105.4.2.1 (R405.4.2.1) of the IECC
Reports needed at final inspection will depend on the extent of the remodel.
- Plumbing rough if any plumbing is added.
- Slab if any additional foundation is poured. Foundation must pass pre-pour inspections by the City and by the builder's foundation engineer prior to pouring. Slab and foundation plans must be on site at time of inspection.
- Frame (this includes building, plumbing, electrical, and mechanical).
- Reports required at final inspection to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy (C/O):
- Septic Tank Approval from Collin County
- Fire and Irrigation Backflow Reports (if system installed)
- Foundation Letter stating the engineer has completed the pre-pour inspection
- Grading for water flow on lot
- Energy Report (Compliance Report for Certificate of Occupancy in compliance with N1105.4.2.2 (R405.4.2.2) of the IECC)
- Termite Report
- Water Meter Inspection (if an upgrade is required)

Accessory Building Permit
- Defining Accessory Buildings
Accessory buildings that exceed 200 square feet require a building permit.
Accessory buildings include, but are not limited to, storage buildings, shops, detached garages, barns, gazebos, carports, and patio covers, etc.
Complete the Miscellaneous Building Permit Form and submit all of the required documents and plans described below to [email protected].
An incomplete packet will be denied.
Plan Submittal Requirements
- A completed Miscellaneous Building Permit Form listing the registered General Contractor, Electric, Plumbing and HVAC subcontractors if applicable.
- A site plan or your property survey with dimensions indicating the location of the accessory structure with dimensions in relation to other structures and property lines.
- If adding plumbing features, you must provide septic impact approval from Collin County Development Services (972-548-5585).
- Septic system and heads must be shown and may be required to be stamped, sealed, or otherwise approved by the Collin County Health Department.
- A set of plans with dimensions indicating how the structure will be constructed is required. These plans should include foundation plans if a concrete slab is used and elevation drawings with material used.
- If the structure is over 1000 sq ft, an engineered foundation will be required. An engineered foundation will also be required if the new structure foundation will be connecting or abutting an existing foundation.
- If the accessory structure includes habitable space, you must follow the Energy Code compliance requirements as set forth in the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), including the following:
- Compliance report in compliance with N1105.4.2 (R405.4.2) of the IECC
- Compliance report for permit application in compliance with N1105.4.2.1 (R405.4.2.1) of the IECC
Type and order of inspections will depend on the structure being built.
- Plumbing Rough/Form board survey
- Foundation (Pre-Pour inspection)
- 2nds (Framing, electrical, plumbing and mechanical and fire suppression (if required))
- Final
Mechanical, Electric, & Plumbing Packet
Permits & Inspections
All water heaters, electrical and plumbing require a permit and inspection.
Complete the Miscellaneous Building Permit Form. Incomplete packets will not be accepted.
Water Heaters
- A ball valve on cold water pipe to water heater to shut off water is required.
- Pressure relief valve discharge pipe shall discharge to an approved indirect waste receptor or outside not more than 6 inches above ground.
- Water heaters must be installed in a minimum 1 1/2 inch deep pan with a minimum 3/4 inch diameter drain line to the outside or to an approved receptor. If there is no way to drain to the outside, a water and gas safety (WAGS) valve is required.
- Water heaters installed in garages or attics must have exposed water pipes insulated.
- Water heaters must be elevated 18 inches off the garage floor.
Gas Water Heaters
- Combustion air is required to be 100 square inches minimum in the upper part and the lower part of the closet.
- Gas stop must be of ball valve type and must be able to shut off by hand.
- Maximum length of flex gas pipe is 36 inches and minimum of 1/2 inch in size.
- Must have 1 inch clearance on type B water heater vent from all combustible materials and observe manufactures specifications.

Irrigation Packet
General Information
A permit is required for the installation of a lawn irrigation system.
Complete the Miscellaneous Building Permit Form.
Irrigation systems shall have a testable backflow prevention device installed at the connection to the water supply and must be tested by a licensed backflow tester.
A freeze protection device and rain freeze shut off device is required.
A backflow report should be mailed to [email protected] upon completion.
Fire Inspection Permit
Plan Submittal Requirements
- Miscellaneous Building Permit Form
- Fire Suppression Plans
- Hydraulic Reports
Inspections Required
- Fire rough (normally combined with the Framing and Mechanical Electrical and Plumbing Inspection)
- Hydrostatic Pressure Test at 200 psi
- Insulation Tenting Inspection
- Fire Final

Pool / Barrier/Fence
General Information
The construction of any in-ground pools, spas, pool barriers and fences require a permit.
Complete the Miscellaneous Building Permit Form and submit all required documentation to [email protected].
Plan Submittal Requirements for Pools and Spas
- A copy of the site plan or your property survey with the dimensions indicating the location of the pool on the property in relation to other structures and property lines.
- A pool plan showing the pool drawing with all pool features and specifications. This plan shall be stamped by the electrical service provider. If the property is on a septic system, it must also be stamped by Collin County Development Services.
- Depth of the swimming pool shall maintain a ratio of 1:1 from the nearest foundation up to a maximum depth of 5 feet (i.e. for a depth of 5 feet, the pool must be located 5 feet from the nearest foundation). Otherwise an engineered drawing is required.
Required Inspections:
- Belly Steel - An inspection before gunite is required. A ground wire bonding the steel shall be installed at this stage.
- Gas - Pools or spas needing gas for heating require an inspection.
- Deck steel - Ground wire shall be installed at this stage.
- Pool Final
- Before final plaster, pool enclosure barrier and gates must be complete and meet the City of Lucas requirements.
- The House-Pool Protection Device Installation Form must be completed and provided at this time.
- Pools shall not be filled with water until all inspections are final and approved. Filling a pool before a final inspection approval will result in a $1,000.00 fine.
Pool Barrier Requirements
- A Miscellaneous Building Permit Form is required for all pool barriers and fences.
- Pool barriers require a separate permit and must be submitted before pool permit is released.
- The pool barrier (existing or new) drawings must include dimensions, materials, and gate latch requirements.
- A four (4) foot minimum in fence height is required around the pool with self-closing and self-latching gates and with the gate latch in the upper quarter of the gate. Pools must be set back at a minimum of 20 feet from rear property line and 20 feet from the side property line.
- Pool barriers are the responsibility of the permit holder.
- Absolutely no agricultural type of fencing is allowed.
- If a fence is already in place it must comply with the pool barrier requirements.
- Fences surrounding residential pools require separate permits and are subject to special requirements set forth by the International Residential Code.
- Self-contained units without hardwiring do not require a registered electrician.
- A one minute relay timer is required on electrically operated automatic gates when the gate is part of a pool barrier. A beeper shall sound when the gate is closing, and if the gate hits something, it should reverse. A manual means to override the mechanism of the gate is prohibited. It may be required that a certification letter from the manufacturers or the company installing the gate be provided to verify this requirement.
Right-of-Way Utility Work Permit
Right-of-Way Utility Work Permit
Before starting any work within or near a street, right-of-way, easement, or public way, please complete a Right-of-Way Utility Work Permit Form and email it to [email protected] or bring the permit by City Hall at 665 Country Club Road, Lucas, Texas 75002-7651.